In Indonesia, the baby was born weighing 9 pounds

The world’s largest baby weighing 8.7 kg was born to a 41-year-old indonesie Ani Rosidin.

This is the third pregnancy of a woman who had diabetes, and this could not affect the course of her pregnancy and the baby’s development.

The doctors noticed unusually rapid growth of the baby in the womb, so Ani was under the constant supervision of doctors. And when it came time to give birth — boy pulled into the light by Caesarean section. The growth of the hero was 62 cm and a weight of 8.7 kg. the name of the child gave Akbar – hero. The kid is recognized as the largest newborn in the world. To see this miracle ran the whole hospital.

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My brother was born weighing 9 pounds. He is 6’2 and his healthy weight is 200 pounds.

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