In the Tula pond caught a piranha

According to the inhabitant of Tula Tatyana Boriskino, June 24 from a pond in Central Park was caught an unusual fish with a human teeth.

Journalists asked for comments to the administration of the Park. Press Secretary state THAT “the Tula parks” Barbara Trunov said that before I saw the photo of the fish in the social networks, but in the administration of the Park nobody on this issue is not addressed.

The Park is interested in this unusual catch: I want to remove the fish and to conduct research jointly with experts from Exotarium. Then we will be able to determine exactly what kind and how “tooth fairy” could get in the pond of Central Park.

Piranha red PACU under natural conditions lives in the waters of the Amazon river basin in South America. At home she is the object of commercial fisheries. Red PACU is omnivorous, has strong jaws. In nature, the main diet is nuts. Piranha grow very quickly — within a year can grow up to 30 inches, the maximum length of adult specimens of almost 90 inches, can weigh up to 25 pounds.

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