A landslide threatens the Italian countryside

In Italy in the village of Ponzano di Civitella del Tronto was struck by a landslide — was evacuated, 33, left homeless and about 100 people. The village is located near the city of Teramo.

According to the authorities, the landslide is moving with a speed of 1 meter per day, and threatens to destroy about 30 houses and the road. Many buildings already have cracks. The village is located in the region of Abruzzi, which has suffered a series of earthquakes last year. However, authorities are comparing potential damage from the landslide with the damage from the quake.

According to geologist Paolo Marsani, to stop the landslide process is impossible, however, experts are constantly monitoring the situation. While to predict the level of destruction and how to change the terrain, is impossible. About the causes of the landslide has not been revealed, but some experts believe that it can be the result of an earthquake in Central Italy on January 18.

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