Scientists have recorded a 19-metre wave in the Atlantic ocean

Wave height of 19 meters, was recorded in the Northern part of the Atlantic ocean, was the largest for all history of observations.

The world meteorological organization (WMO) announced that the unique natural phenomenon was between the UK and Iceland international group of scientists with a special buoy, complementary measurements from ships and satellite data.

A giant wave (the height is defined as the distance from the crest of one wave to the bottom of the next) occurred during the passage of very strong cold front, when the wind speed reached 22 meters per second. The previous record of 18,275 meter dated 8 December 2007, and this happened in the same region.

The assistant Secretary-General of WMO, vanichseni Zhang explained that extensive high-quality observations needed to understand the relationship between weather and the ocean. Despite huge advances in satellite technology, an important role in this respect still plays information from moored and drifting buoys and ships.

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