In Australia, will launch an electric train on solar energy

In Australia, a lot of sun, so it’s silly not to use such a gift of fate to the maximum – decided the leadership of the railway company Bayron Bay, so very soon near the same resort by the railroad will go the electric train on solar panels.

The length of its route will be about three kilometers. It’s interesting that the train itself is not some kind of high-tech development, which cost taxpayers millions of dollars. No, this train is the most usual old train, which was modified by the forces of the railway company itself with the involvement of specialists from ELMOFO, a start-up that produces electric cars.

Before, the train was diesel, and now one of its engines was replaced by an electric one, the batteries were put inside, and the roofs were equipped with solar panels. Accumulators, according to the calculations of specialists, should be enough for a whole day of trips along the route. Recharging of batteries is carried out both through solar panels, and at special stations – at night there is no Sun.

The train can carry up to one hundred people at a time, the trip cost is only three dollars. Until January 2018, the train will go in test mode, and then the management will launch it along with other trains.

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