In Russia created a four-wheel drive ATV

In Kaluga developed a four-wheel drive ATV under the name “Tarus 2×2”. The vehicle has high traffic, it is easy and compact.

Thanks to the low weight of the ATV is easy to manage. “Tarus 2×2” quickly disassembled. In five minutes you can disconnect the plug with the wheel, and if necessary, remove the racks and wheels and put it in the car. The inventor has already received a patent on quick the front forks of the ATV.

“Tarus 2×2” will be useful for fishing, hunting and active rest. The ATV has an engine capacity of 210 CC vehicle Weight is 82 kg. “Tarus 2×2” tires with a size of 60×30 cm, which should be in dropped condition to drive on dirt and rough terrain. ATV shock absorbers has not. Maximum speed is 35 km/h. the cost of the ATV is about 75 thousand rubles.

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