In the United States blossomed into a gigantic flower with the putrid smell

Unique Morticia flower, or Amorphophallus titanum (lat. Amorphophallus titanium),
whose weight is 100 kg, and the diameter of the Cup — 3 m, is the largest
in the world. Sometimes its “birth” have to wait a whole century, sometimes
the twentieth anniversary, but this time the exotic giant bloomed again later
in just four years.

Morticia started to bloom Saturday night in the Botanical gardens Moody Gardens in Texas. Alas, the duration of zostanie of this miracle — not more than four days.

The flower is surprising not only in size, but not the floral scent,
reminiscent of the smell of dead flesh. Shades of konjac also evoke
Association with decaying meat. In addition, when the plant blooms,
then “heated” to a temperature of the human body, whereby the smell
apply stronger. On the unique “fragrance” flock
pollinating insects are feeding on carrion.

In vivo Amorphophallus are found only on the island
Sumatra, but the natives almost destroyed him. Wild tribes called
the eccentric creation of flora known as “corpse flower”, “snake
Palma” or “voodoo Lily”.

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