Scientists have found a remedy for aging

Scientists from the Case Western Reserve University have identified a molecular mechanism that determines the lifespan of worms and mammals. It turned out that animals that have a high level of certain proteins in the body live longer and suffer less from age-related diseases. The article is published in the journal Nature Communications.

Specialists have found that increasing or decreasing the concentration of proteins called Kruppel-like transcription factors (KLF) allows prolonging or shortening the life of round nematodes Caenorhabditis elegans. These compounds regulate the activity of genes, suppressing their expression, a process where information contained in DNA is used to synthesize biopolymers. KLF is not only in worms, but also in mammals, including humans.

With age, the KLF level decreases. Given that these proteins are important for maintaining the function of blood vessels, their loss provokes the development of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and even dementia. Kruppel-like transcription factors control autophagy – the destruction of defective cells, their organelles and by-products of vital activity by the body itself. Otherwise, there is accumulation of cellular “debris” and toxic substances, which shortens life.

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