Than fruit juices for children are dangerous

Children who regularly drink fruit juices that are high in sugar are more likely to suffer from asthma, according to a study by physicians at Harvard University in the United States.

Researchers studied the diet of 1068 mothers and their sons and daughters, as well as information about the health of children, to determine the relationship between the incidence of asthma and sweet drinks with fructose. Analyzing the findings, the researchers found that children who regularly used fructose and sugar 77% more often suffer from asthma.

Dependence was found in children with different body mass index. In addition, the occurrence of problems with breathing is influenced by the regular use of such drinks during pregnancy.

“In addition to the previously known association of obesity with asthma, we found that consumption of sugary drinks and a large amount of fructose also increases the risk of this disease.We do not yet know exactly how sugar and fructose lead to asthma.It can be assumed that these compounds provoke inflammations that can affect the development of the lungs, “- says one of the authors of the study, Cheryl Rifas-Shiman

Previously, scientists have found that women suffer from asthma, because their sex hormones do not block inflammation and do not slow the release of mucus with lungs, as testosterone does.

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