“The hormone of youth” is able to accelerate the work of the brain

The protein Cloto hormone, which is believed to affect life expectancy, has another amazing property: it significantly increases brain efficiency and can be used for medicinal purposes. This conclusion was made by scientists at the University of California at San Francisco, according to the website of the university.

Clot, opened in 1997, is also called the youth hormone. With age, its amount decreases, and the increased expression of the gene of the same name leads to the fact that at least the experimental mice live 20-30 percent longer. The connection between the level of Cloto in the body and mental abilities was also noticed: it is obvious that younger people and animals understand better than the old. However, it was not clear whether an artificial increase in the amount of this protein would help improve brain function.

The study, published in the journal Cell Reports, provided clear evidence of improvements in cognitive abilities, including in the field of spatial learning and memory.

First, scientists put experiments on young mice. Positive changes in the work of their brain became noticeable for several hours and remained for a long time after the protein ceased to be active in the body. Then came the turn of older animals at the age of 18 months (equivalent to 65 years in humans). Clotho’s injections were enough to significantly improve their ability to navigate in space and solve new problems.

Finally, genetically modified mice were also tested, the body of which produced the human protein alpha-sinuclein, which is commonly found in Parkinson’s disease (disrupts movement coordination) and promotes Alzheimer’s disease. Putting Cloth into such mice improved their motor function, and also increased their learning ability and the desire to explore a new territory. This indicates that treatment with the use of this protein can make the patient’s brain more resistant to the disease.

But while it remains unclear how Clothot caused these effects, because scientists have not received confirmation that the protein can overcome the blood-brain barrier and penetrate the brain from the bloodstream.

“This once again makes us think about the connection between the body and the brain,” said one of the authors of the study, MD Dena Dubal. – The resulting effect is similar to physical exercises, which also improve brain function, but how this happens, we still do not know.

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I have approximately 30 years of experience in the field of physical exercise as an instructor and, I could say that it is reciprocal physical exercise with the hormonal system. Which in a more formal study might give us more information about the hormone Clothot and its benefits. I would like to have news about. thanks

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