The weakening of Earth’s magnetic field must change its amplification

Albert Einstein thought the origin of Earth’s magnetic field one of the five most important unsolved problems of physics. The weakening of the geomagnetic field, which extends from the planet’s core up to the cosmos and was first measured 180 years ago, caused concerns among some scientists, as theoretically, the weakening of the magnetic field of the planet up to a certain limit can lead to a threat to all living things.

But a new study conducted by scientists from Israel, shows that these fears were groundless: the Earth’s magnetic field during the last few centuries did not weaken in General, but only fluctuate. New scientific data obtained as a result of the analysis of ancient ceramic jugs from Judea, whose age is well known, demonstrate the nature of the changes in the intensity of the magnetic field of our planet in the period between the 8th and 2nd centuries BC, pointing to intensity fluctuations of the magnetic field, the maximum of which was reached in the 8th century BC.

“The intensity of the magnetic field in the 8th century BC confirms previous observations made by our group, concerning the unusually powerful magnetic fields in the early Iron age. We call it the “release of the Iron age” (Iron Age Spike), and it is characterized by the greatest intensity of the magnetic field over the last 100,000 years, ‘ said lead author of the new study Dr. Erez Ben-Josef (Erez Ben-Yosef) from the Institute of archaeology of tel Aviv University, Israel. These new findings allow us to understand the cause of the observed today of the decline of the intensity of Earth’s magnetic field. Apparently, this decline is not a unique phenomenon, the intensity of the magnetic field of our planet has experienced multiple UPS and downs over the past millennia”.

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