Dark matter of a rasperedelen in the Universe more evenly, than was considered earlier

The analysis of the data obtained by means of the new huge review of galaxies which is carried out by means of the VLT Survey Telescope telescope of the European southern observatory located in Chile indicates that dark matter can be less dense and distributed in space more evenly, than was considered earlier.

The international team of researchers used the data obtained by means of the review of the sky of Kilo Degree Survey (KiDS) for studying of gravitational influence of large-scale structures of the Universe on light going to Earth from 15 million far galaxies. These results contradict the early results received by means of the mission of Planck.

The group of astronomers led by Hendrik Hildebrandt from University of Bonn, Germany, in a new research has made on the basis of the analysis of the pictures received as a result of carrying out the review of the sky of KiDS, the most exact today the effect known as space shift (cosmic shear). This effect represents a weak gravitational linzirovaniye at which light radiated by far galaxies slightly is distorted because of gravitational influence of the big mass of matter lying on his way to Earth such as congestions of galaxies.

According to results of measurement of this effect Hildebrandt’s team has received that uniformity of distribution of matter in the Universe was much higher, than according to the data obtained earlier by means of the Planck satellite.

Dark is inaccessible for observations by means of telescopes, however she can be traced on gravitational influence on the objects which are near her.

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