Structure inside the neutron star similar to the structures of the human body cells

According to a new study neutron stars and the cellular cytoplasm have something in common: the structure, resembling a multi-tiered car Parking lots.

In this new work of Biophysics and nuclear physicists have teamed up to create a computer model of the structure, realized in nature as in the nanoscale (10^-9 m), in the case of cell organelles called endoplasmic network and femtometre (10^-15 m), in the case of superdense matter of neutron star crust.

However, the similarity of shape of these mysterious structures, which is a parallel to each other leaves that rise in a spiral around a Central cylinder, like the floors of a Parking Bay does not mean complete similarity of the physical laws that led to the formation of these structures, as, for example, in the case of neutron stars we are talking about the strong nuclear interaction and the electromagnetic forces, while the membranes inside biological cell can be formed only under the action of electromagnetic forces. However, the similarity of these multi-scale structures may indicate the existence of fundamental universal laws that describe the dependence of the energy of the system from its form in a simple manner, according to the authors.

The study was published in the journal Physical Review C

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