Why is the sense of time and space deformed in space?

Scientists are conducting experiments to find out how the sense of time and space is deformed under different conditions.

As you know, time is a very relative concept. For example, astronauts living at the International Space Station experience about 16 sunrises and sunsets per day. We see on Earth only one sunrise and sunset per day. How is this possible and is not lost sense of time aboard the orbital station?

In fact, for the perception of time and space meet the same nerve processes. A study in the field of perception in conditions of weightlessness has shown that astronauts often underestimate the distance.

Experiment Time Experiment, implemented onboard the orbital station, shows that time is subjectively accelerated in microgravity. The astronaut of the European Space Agency Alexander Gerst conducted such an experiment for the first time last week and is going to repeat it regularly for some time.

What kind of experiment is it about? Astronauts measure how long the visual target appears on the laptop screen, and the time of their reaction. In this case, a special sensor will register all data, and the computer processes the results.

Scientists attribute the sense of time and space to neurological and mental factors. However, these factors are different in space and on Earth, under water, of course, too.

Understanding these neurological and psychological triggers that deform our sense of time means that countermeasures can be created to calibrate our internal clocks.

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