Mysterious symbols in the forests of the Smolensk region of Russia

Not far from the village of Bliznaki in the Smolensk region in a forest with satellite images, a giant arrow pointing towards Smolensk is clearly visible. On this site the trees do not grow and the arrow is very clearly visible.

Bliznaki is a village in the Smolensk region of Russia, in the Smolensk region. The population is 29 inhabitants. It is located in the western region 7 km north of Smolensk, between the M1 “Belarus” road and the Smolensk-Ozerny railway line.

The arrow is located on Google Earth imagery by coordinates:

Latitude: 54 ° 53’49.49 “C
Longitude: 31 ° 58’32.99 “In

And not far from the village of Khokhlovo, in the same place in the Smolensk region, the pictures show a strange symbol located in the forest.

The symbol is located on Google Earth imagery by coordinates:

Latitude: 54 ° 41’18.83 “C
Longitude: 31 ° 51’1.93 “In

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