In the secret room of the Great Pyramid there may be a “meteorite throne” of the pharaoh

In the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt at the end of last year, a secret room was discovered in which, by the assumption of archaeologists, the throne of the pharaoh, created from meteoric iron, can be hidden. This is evidenced by the information found in the ancient Egyptian texts.

Giulio Magli, director of the department of mathematics and professor of archeoastronomy at the Polytechnic University of Milano, studied the texts of the pyramids, religious works carved in the walls of the pyramid around 2400 BC. Based on his research, Mugli suggests that in the secret room there was a throne of Pharaoh Khufu – or “Cheops”.

“Of course, this was not an ordinary iron, but a meteorite iron, that is, fallen from the sky in the form of iron meteorites, as it is said in the ancient texts,” says Magley in his article.

Explaining the structure of the pyramid, Mugli argues that before you get into the funeral chamber, there is another gallery. “The newly opened room is above this gallery, and the roof of the gallery itself was already built taking into account the fact that this secret room is located over it,” he explains in a statement,

So, what was this room for? Muggle offers a hypothesis that is consistent with the existing knowledge of the Egyptian funerary religion, as described in the texts of the pyramids: These texts say that the pharaoh, before reaching the stars, will have to go through the gates of heaven and sit on a throne of cosmic iron.

Inside the Pyramid there are four narrow passages, which, according to Mugli, represent the “gates of the sky” mentioned.

According to the textual analysis, the throne of Cheops can be similar to the throne of his mother, Queen Hethefer, but instead of gold it will be covered with meteoric iron sheets.

It is believed that ancient Egypt attributed great importance to the meteorite gland and it was used to make decorative or ceremonial objects. In 2016 it was confirmed that the dagger of King Tut was made of a meteorite.

Mugli admits that his proposal still remains only a theory, but says that it is worth continuing the study of the northern axis of the pyramid to determine whether it actually leads to the recently discovered

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