Near Yakutsk found Parking ancient people of the Neolithic period

Archaeologists have discovered near Yakutsk Parking of the ancient people of the Neolithic age, with items of pottery and tools, according to the Ministry of culture and spiritual development of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia).

“The Ministry of culture of Yakutia has sent an information letter to the ADK, OOO, a leading quarrying 44 kilometer Vilyuisky tract of Yakutsk, that in the area found signs of architectural heritage site called “Aiyy-Tibet VI”. The message came from a Museum of archeology and Ethnography of the NEFU. In the course of the survey Museum work on the territory finds in the form of flint flakes, fragments of stone tools and ceramics,” — said in the message.

Aiyy-Tibet VI — one of the points in the chain of ancient sites located around the lake Aiyy-Tibet on the right Bank of the river Kenkeme. Archaeological sites located around the lake date back to the Neolithic age (V – II millennia BC) and are presented syamahska culture early Neolithic Belchinski culture of the middle Neolithic and yeahthey postapokalipticheskoy culture.

According to scientists, the boundaries of the archaeological object is not traced, the monument has not previously been studied. Under Russian law, construction and other work within the boundaries of “Aiyy-Tibet VI” is prohibited.

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