The 1200-year-old telephone – an amazing invention of the ancient Chimu civilization

Archaeologists have found hundreds of objects used by ancient civilizations around the world thousands of years ago. One such incredible invention is the 1,200-year-old telephone of the ancient Chimu civilization.

This incredible device was found in the ruins of Chan Chan in Peru. The device is the earliest and best example of “technology” in this region.

Chan Chan is perhaps the largest pre-Columbian city in South America that most of us have never heard of.

The state of Chimu, or also called the Kingdom of Chimu, was an Andean civilization founded in Peru around 850 AD. It was one of the cultures conquered by the Incas in 1470.

Its capital, Chan Chan, was the largest pre-Columbian city in South America. Today it is located in the La Libertad area about five kilometers west of Trujillo.

The area of this ancient city reaches twenty square kilometers with a dense urban center of six square kilometers. It was the imperial capital, called home to more than fifty thousand people.

The Chimu Empire was known for its extremely well-planned cities, which had large buildings with flat roofs for the nobility and incredibly well-decorated pyramids that served as temples.

Their temples were adorned with goldwork made by extremely talented jewelers who were even recognized by the Incas.

The 1200-year-old telephone is a perfect example of the “lost technology” of our ancestors, who, according to modern science, were not capable of such technological feats.

The ancient Chimu civilization was able to create a device that allows you to communicate at a distance, more than 1,000 years ago. The Chimu telephone consists of two gourds connected by a cord.

The gourds composing the device were about 9 centimeters long and were covered with resin and served as transmitters and receivers of sound. The device has a cord more than 20 meters long connecting the two gourds.

The Chimu telephone is a unique and incredible device that predates the earliest “ideas” of telephones by more than a thousand years.

Researchers are confident that it is one of the best examples of ancient human ingenuity, although they know the exact purpose of the device, scientists are still wondering how the ancient Chimu used the 1200-year-old phone and for what exact purpose.

Among the ancient Chimu, this device would have been an extremely valuable item worthy of their nobility.

The precious telephone, which had the seemingly magical ability to transmit voices through space to be heard directly in the ear of the interlocutor, was “an instrument designed for communication at the highest level,” says Matos, an anthropologist and archaeologist who specializes in the study of the central Andes. “The Chimu were a skilled, inventive people who possessed impressive engineering abilities.

Their irrigation systems with hydraulic channels and their highly detailed, intricate metalwork and artifacts attest to this.

Commentary: The 1200-year-old telephone proves that we have very little knowledge of our ancestors. It also proves to the scientific community that early civilizations were far more skilled and advanced than what we attribute to them today.

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