When Trees Were Big: In ancient times even man could fly

Have you ever wondered how the ancient lizards flew, because their weight and size were enormous, and also to this question can be attributed a large number of non-flying species, but have retained some semblance of wings. Penguins, for example.

Everything used to be big. On our planet can still be seen the ancient beds of simply gigantic rivers, which are a hundred times larger in size than the modern ones. And these ancient water systems even ran through the Gobi Desert, which at that time simply did not exist. And the trunks of giant trees also tell us that before everything was not just big, but very, very big.

And it wasn’t just rivers and trees that were big, but also insects and animals, including dinosaurs. Why was everything big and how did things fly that could not fly in principle?

In 1988, studying the prehistoric atmosphere of the air preserved in pieces of amber with the age of about 80 million years, American geologists G. Landis and R. Berner found that during the Cretaceous period, the atmosphere was significantly different not only in composition of gases, but also in density. The pressure was then 10 times higher. It was the “thick” air that allowed lizards with a wingspan of about 10 m. to fly, the scientists concluded.

Of course, we must discount the “desiccation” of amber, and then the value of 6-8 atmospheres is more likely, which agrees well with the osmotic pressure inside the organism, and with the increase of pressure in the desiccation of amber pieces. In ancient times, the oxygen content of the air was about 28%!

Now I understand why ostriches and penguins suddenly did not know how to fly. And it is clear how these huge and clumsy pterodactyls flew. The density of the atmosphere was such that it was likely that humans could fly back then, too. Maybe not just by spreading out their arms, but by taking a giant leaf from a tree and using it as wings, but it is quite realistic. Maybe that’s why we fly in our dreams. The ancestral memory that we used to be able to fly?

In addition, this information gives us more reason to ask new questions – what happened and why did the earth’s atmosphere change?

We are not aware of any natural processes that could cause a decrease in the pressure of the Earth’s atmosphere. The Earth can lose part of its atmosphere either in the case of a collision with a sufficiently large celestial body, when part of the atmosphere simply flies into space by inertia, or as a result of a massive bombardment of the Earth surface by atomic bombs or large meteorites, when as a result of the release of a large amount of heat during the explosion part of the atmosphere is also thrown into near-Earth space. Mohenjo-Daro in Pakistan hints at the likelihood of such an event in history. Falling large cosmic bodies are quite comparable to thermonuclear explosions.

What happened? The pressure change could not have dropped from 6-8 atmospheres at once to the current one, i.e. reduced by a factor of 6-8. Living organisms simply would not have been able to adapt to such a dramatic change in environmental parameters. Experiments show that a pressure change of no more than two times does not kill living organisms, although it has a noticeable negative impact on them. As we all know the dinosaurs are extinct and many other living creatures besides them are extinct. Remember the term “mass extinction”? There have been several in the history of the earth according to the official version, so isn’t that what caused them?

I don’t think the atmospheric pressure plummeted from 8 to 1 in one year. It was most likely a gradual process. This means that there must have been several such planetary catastrophes, after each of which the pressure must have dropped by a factor of 1.5 to 2. For the pressure to decrease from 8 atmospheres to the modern 1 atmosphere, decreasing by a factor of 1.5 each time, 5 catastrophes are required. That said, if we go from the present value of 1 atmosphere, increasing the value by a factor of 1.5 each time, we get the following range of values: 1.5, 2.25, 3,375, 5, 7,59. Especially interesting is the last number, which practically corresponds to the blood plasma osmotic pressure of 7.6 atm.

The Flood, the Apocalypse, the Global Cataclysm

In the places where deserts, semi-deserts and almost lifeless spaces are now deserts, a fire blazed up which covered almost 70 mln. square kilometers (70% of the planet’s land area).

You know that for some reason the ocean has 60 times more carbon dioxide (CO2) than the atmosphere. It would seem that there is nothing special here, but the fact is that the ratio of carbon dioxide in the river water is the same as in the atmosphere. Why is the ratio in the ocean 60 times greater? If you count all the carbon dioxide released by volcanoes over the last 25,000 years, even if the biosphere did not absorb it, the CO2 content in the ocean would have increased by only 15%, but not by 6000%. It was impossible to explain the increase of CO2 in the ocean by natural causes. There was only one suggestion: there had been a colossal fire on Earth, as a result of which carbon dioxide had been “washed” into the ocean.

And the calculations showed that in order to get that much CO2, we would have to burn 20,000 times the amount of carbon contained in today’s biosphere. But if all the water from such a huge biosphere were released, the level of the world’s oceans would rise by 70 meters. However, this did not happen. we must look for another reason and there is one – just the same amount of water is in the polar caps of the poles of the Earth. An amazing coincidence! There is no doubt that all this water used to be contained in the organisms of animals and plants of the dead biosphere. It turned out that the ancient biosphere was 20,000 times greater in mass than ours.

That is why enormous ancient riverbeds, tens and hundreds of times larger than our modern ones, remained on Earth, and a grandiose dried-up water system in the Gobi Desert. Simple calculations show that at a size of the biosphere 20,000 times larger than ours, the atmospheric pressure must be 8-9 atmospheres! And as we learned above, this pressure was established in samples of air bubbles preserved in amber!

The Japanese have a national tradition (bonsai): to grow small trees (oaks, pines, poplars, birches, etc.) on window sills, under a hood of rarefied air (where the atmospheric pressure is about 0.1 atmosphere), which have the size of grass. As a fact, there is a directly proportional relationship between the height of plant growth and atmospheric pressure. As atmospheric pressure increases/decreases, absolute growth increases/decreases proportionally! This may provide experimental evidence as to why trees became grasses after the disaster. And plant giants with a height of 150 to 2000 meters either died out completely or shrunk, becoming dwarfs compared to their ancestors reaching a height of only 15-20 meters.

Thus, small air bubbles in amber helped us to learn that before the flood everything on earth was gigantic – trees, animals and of course people, or rather those who inhabited the planet, and they, by definition, could be humanoid beings, but not humans in the scientific sense of the word.

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