A sandstorm hit the city of Volzhsky in Russia

On August 19, at the fourth hour of the day, the hot Volzhsky covered a sandstorm. Citizens did not expect a sharp change of weather, so they were at a loss from what was happening.

“I’ve never seen this,” Volzhanka Catherine Kostyryova told Volodka’s Notepad. – The scorching sun sharply blocked the sand raised up by the wind and a huge black cloud. More than once I updated the weather forecast. He did not show anything like that. However, everything went quickly too.

A huge cloud “went” into the city from the side of the new part. From there she quickly swam into the old one. Eyewitnesses say that the hurricane demolished small and loose buildings, billboards and broken tree trunks. According to preliminary data, the hurricane did not become a threat to the Volzhans. Already about five o’clock in the evening the bad weather “left” the city.

Volzhsky is a city of regional subordination in the Volgograd region.

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