In the Pacific Ocean formed a tropical storm “Adrian”

In the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean, a tropical storm “Adrian” was formed, according to the National Center for Hurricane Tracking. “Adrian” became the earliest tropical storm in the eastern Pacific since the beginning of recording in 1966.

The previous record was set in 1990 by the storm “Alma”, which was formed on May 14. Officially, the hurricane season in the eastern Pacific Ocean starts on May 15.

Currently, tropical storm “Adrian” is located about 575 km south-west of the capital of San Salvador, the city of San Salvador, and moves to the northwest at a speed of 11 km / h. The maximum wind speed in the epicenter reaches 72 km / h (20 m / s), with gusts up to 88 km / h (24 m / s).

According to forecasts of meteorologists, in the coming days, a tropical storm is expected to intensify before the first category hurricane. The most probable area of ​​impact of the elements is from the southern part of Mexico to Guatemala.

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