In Antarctica have found the remains of a giant bird

Argentine paleontologists have discovered in Antarctica the remains of a giant bird that lived 50 million years ago. According to the researchers, they had the largest wingspan among all known birds.

The bird belongs to the genus of lonesome birds, the pelagonia. Her remains were found three years ago in the area of the Argentine Antarctic station on the island of Marambio.

The wingspan of this bird was more than 6.4 meters, which is two times the wingspan of albatrosses. A special form of wings allowed her to travel long distances, hovering over the oceans.

On the continent there were two kinds of pelagonia. Representatives of the first species had a wingspan of not more than 5 meters. Representatives of the second species had a large wingspan of up to 7 meters. Despite the impressive size, these birds were light. They weighed 30 – 35 kg.

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