Record: more than 80 thousand people live in Japan at the age of 100 or more

Japan has set a record for the number of centenarians. The country is home to 80 thousand 450 people aged 100 and more, according to the Ministry of Health of Japan.

88% of the total number of centenarians are women (70 thousand 975).

This year, 41.8 thousand Japanese will celebrate the centenary, the ministry said. At the same time, people whose age has exceeded 100 – in 2020 there will be more than 9 thousand 100 people.

It is interesting that in 1963 in Japan there were only 153 people over 100 years old, but already in 1981 the number of centenarians exceeded a thousand, and in 2012 – 50 thousand. In eight years, by 2020, there were 30 thousand more such people.

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