Scientists believe red meat cooked on fire is harmful for heart disease

Frequent consumption of red meat, cooked over charcoal or over an open fire, has a negative effect on the cardiovascular system and leads to a reduction in life expectancy. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of South Australia at Adelaide in collaboration with colleagues from the National Gyeongsang University in South Korea based on a study published in the scientific journal Nutrients published in Switzerland.

The study showed that regular consumption of fried, overheated meat increases the number of protein substances in the human body that negatively affect both myocardial cells and vascular cells. As noted in the report, these changes can provoke the development and complicate existing diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction and various kinds of strokes.

“Our research helps to understand the mechanism of action of proteins formed in meat during its overcooking on healthy and diseased organisms. We also prepared practical advice on how to change the diet in order to avoid such negative consequences of eating such cooked meat,” – said the lead author research, M.D. from the University of South Australia Permal Deo.

“In the case when red meat is cooked using high temperatures when baking, roasting, over an open fire, so-called glycation end products – AGEs are formed in it, which, accumulating in the human body, interfere with the normal metabolism, making it difficult and causing damage to internal organs, “- said Deo.

The disease is easier to prevent

Scientists conducted a comparative analysis of two groups of middle-aged and elderly people, one of which was offered a familiar diet with a predominance of thermally processed red meat and bread baked goods, and the other – yoghurts with unprocessed grains, nuts, legumes, as well as with poultry meat cooked in a gentle way. steam mode and in boiled water.

When comparing groups, it was found that a diet high in red meat resulted in a marked increase in the level of AGE in the blood of the subjects.

“The premise of our study is simple,” added co-author Deo, University of South Australia professor Peter Clifton. “If we want to reduce the risk of heart disease, thereby increasing life expectancy, we must definitely cut down on red meat cooked according to” recipes “far Frying on an open fire, no matter how caressing the gourmet’s eyes, is not the best way to maintain health and protect yourself from early aging.

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