Scientists try to defeat the melting of glaciers

Researchers have proposed a set of methods that will slow the rise in the level of the World Ocean. Engineers-builders reacted to the proposed measures skeptically.

The melting of glaciers is one of the most threatening consequences of global warming. Scientists estimate that the water generated in this process will lead to an increase in the level of the World Ocean by 5 meters over the next 200 years.

To avoid this, scientists from Beijing Pedagogical University offer a large-scale program of geo-engineering (changing the appearance of the Earth). To isolate glaciers from warm currents, the researchers propose to build around them diving dams, and to solve the problem of sliding glaciers into the open ocean, in the circumpolar artificial islands will be built. Also, scientists suggest drilling super-deep wells in glaciers in order to remove or freeze water under the glacier and thereby slow down the process of its slipping.

The project of Chinese dreamers caused heated discussions among civil engineers. Most of them agree that the proposed methods for combating the melting of glaciers are unrealizable. In addition to delivering concrete to the bottom of the sea, it is necessary to solve the problem of the pressure of a huge mass of ice on artificial structures. In addition, it is not known whether the effect will be consistent with the costs of the construction of protective dams and islands.

Glaciologist John Moore, under whose guidance the project was developed, is optimistic, and assures that his idea of ​​the complexity of implementation is comparable to the Panama Canal or the “Three Gorges” dam in China. Moore believes that his project is more competitive than existing ways to combat the melting of glaciers: “Everyone is discussing the possibility of building walls along the coasts – so why do not we catch the problem in the bud?”

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