Scientists offer new model of an origin of rings of Saturn

The team of researchers has presented new model of an origin of rings of Saturn, based on results of computer modeling. These results of modeling are also well applicable to rings of other huge planets and explain a difference between structures of rings of Saturn and Uranium.

Huge planets of Solar system have various rings. Observations show that rings of Saturn more than for 95 percent consist of ice particles while rings of Uranium and the Neptune more dark and contain higher percent of rocks.

In a new research team of astronomers led by Hyodo Ryuki from Kobe University, Japan, has constructed the model of formation of rings of Saturn based on an assumption about existence in an external part of Solar system outside the Neptune’s orbit, at the time of Late heavy bombing (about 4 billion years ago) of several thousand objects of the Kuiper belt the size approximately about Pluto. At first researchers have calculated probability of passing of such objects in rather short distance from huge planets to be the destroyed their tidal forces during an era of Late heavy bombing. Calculations have shown that Saturn, Uranium and the Neptune multiple rapprochements with these large celestial bodies tested.

Further modeling has shown that at rapprochement of large objects of the Kuiper belt with huge planets of Solar system there is a fragmentation of these objects under the influence of gravitation of giant planets, and in many cases fragments weighing from 0,1 to 10 percent from the mass of an initial body are taken into an orbit around the planet. The total mass of these fragments is quite sufficient to explain existence of rings at Saturn and Uranium.

This model explains also distinction between compositions of material of rings of Saturn and Uranium. Unlike Saturn having rather low average density of substance (0,69 g/cm3), Uranium and also the Neptune, have higher average density of substance, respectively 1,27 g/cm3 and 1,64 g/cm3 therefore large splinters can approach closer the centers of such planets, than the center of diffusion Saturn where they come under more powerful influence of gravitation of the planet. More powerful tidal forces in case of ice giants allow to destroy these objects entirely, including a stony kernel while in case of Saturn into an orbit only the ice cover of an object of the Kuiper belt is exposed to destruction and the subsequent capture.

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