The inhabitant of China gave birth to twins six days after the birth of first child

The inhabitant of China gave birth to twin girls just six days after was born her first child. This case is of great interest to science.

About a highly unusual incident, reported China News Service. A resident located in the East of China Hebei province gave birth to twin girls six days later after the light appeared to be her son. The firstborn was born on 21 February, his weight was 1.44 kg. All children are currently in intensive care. Took delivery the midwife said that for all time of its work activities with a similar phenomenon she encounters for the first time. In science this is called dz triplets. Development of the boy was in the other fetal membranes, which was separated from the sisters.

A resident of China got married in 2012, but for a long time they with the husband have failed to conceive a child. In August last year a Chinese woman was treated in Wuhan. Therapy, as it has appeared, was very successful. A reported case of birth will help scientists to understand more about the mechanism of occurrence of twins.

China has long held the policy of “One family – one child”, in which the people of China were allowed to have only one heir. However, in 2015, this restriction has been lifted. The government considers that such decision will allow to improve the demographic situation the population of China began to age rapidly.

We will remind, in August of 2016 described another very unusual incident happened in China. If we are to believe the presented information, the Chinese Wang Shi has been pregnant for 17 months. The maximum period of carrying a child known to science up to this point was 13 months. Thus, Wang Shi has set a world record. Interviewed experts, however, described the occasion reacted quite skeptical, stating that the probability of something like that is practically impossible. The incident could be nothing more than error in the determination of gestational age. In addition, Wang Shi, probably, have faced miscarriage during a previous pregnancy.

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